August 22, 2013

Brushes and Zygocactus

Quick sketch from life, 30x40cm size, acrylic paint. Acrylic is new to me and feels like guache, too chalky (or maybe I used too much white when mixing the colors, following my practices in oil) and dull.
But if I use it for multi-colored background on my sketchbook's pages, acryl should work fine, I am sure.


  1. I think your impression on acrylic paint is right. For me, it has a more "plastic" aspect than guache has. But it is wonderful to try new materials!

  2. After using oils, the mind has a hard time to accept acrylics, but it has its pluses as we explore. Love your "quick" work, I am amazed how much details has gone in to it in a short time, looking very nice!

  3. Beautiful "quick" sketch. I like seeing your brushes and paints laid out on the desk.


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